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Wall Putty and Primers: The Foundation of Perfect Walls

Enhance the longevity and appearance of your walls with our high-quality, easy-to-apply solutions.

X1-Putty Acrylic
(Wall Putty)

X1-Putty Acrylic
(Wall Putty)


For the walls that stand apart

Dampcoat Neo 7X
(Ultra Premium)


X1-Dual Primer

Fortune Dual Wall

Ezy Go Exterior Primer

Ezy Go Interior Primer

Treo Universal Primer

Acrylic Wall Putty

For the walls that stand apart

X1 Acrylic Wall Putty


X1 Acrylic Wall Putty (Pouch)

Cement Based Putty

For the walls that stand apart

Uniplast Maxx Waterproof Putty

Uniplast Pro Wall Care Putty

Impulse NXt Waterproof Putty

Impulse Pro Hybrid Wall Putty

Tek Ultra Gold Waterproof Putty

Tekultra Plus Cement Putty

Product Catalogue

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